Happy Early Friday!!
District Governor will be here on the 19th. We need a good attendance and head count. So please fill this form out if you plan on attending. https://forms.gle/wzioshmWSuuFda4K9
October is Polio Awareness Month so be on the lookout for more information about Pinkies for Polio.
Kids Closet check presentation will be Monday, September 9th at 10:30 AM at the Kids Closet. This is the money we received from the golf tournament. Please try to be there.
Member News:
Dennis Cooper (“Has Been” Past District Governor) talked about the success of satellite clubs. We now have clubs in Russellville, Greenbrier, Lake Village, and interest meeting in Hot Springs Village and possibly one starting in Hope that is composed of a group of teachers. He also mentioned the Rotary Friendship Exchange and said to look for an email coming from him soon that will explain the program and survey any interest.
From Today’s Speaker:
Dr. Margaret A. Ellibee, Chancellor for U of A Pulaski Tech, shared with us some great information about Pulaski Tech. Below are some of interesting facts: (Please don’t hold Kari to accuracy on all of these. She might have misunderstood!)
· There are over 80 programs divided out between tech and general education
· They offer business and industry training to area businesses
· Culinary program is 25th in the nation and is accredited by the American Culinary Federation Education Foundation and the Accrediting Commission for Programs in Hospitality Administration
· Auto program is certified by the National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation
· Enrollment in several areas of study have doubled in just a year
· Through an agreement with UofA Fayetteville, students can start at Pulaski Tech, maintain a C average or better and finish an associates degree and then go to UofA Fayetteville to complete a higher degree at the same tuition price of Pulaski Tech